
Meet the current team that makes it all happen below – the woodland directors…
The committee want to thank the key organising volunteers, as well as those who have helped in the past – here
All users of the woodland should give their thanks to the founder members who negotiated the lease, obtained the funding and turned the woodland into what we have today – here

Robert Nancarrow – Chairman

Robert has been a director since  2021 and a committee member and volunteer since 2019 . He can be seen most  Tuesday mornings in and around the Woodland, 


Vince Murphy –  Vice Chairman

Couldnt find a good photo!

Vince has been a director since  2021 and a committee member and volunteer since 2019 . He can be seen most  Tuesday mornings in and around the Woodland, 


Dennis Henson –  Minute Secretary

Couldnt find a good photo!

Dennis has been a committee member and volunteer since  2015 . He can be seen most  Tuesday mornings in and around the Woodland, 


Matthew Nancarrow –   Treasurer

Couldnt find a good photo!

Matthew has been a committee member and volunteer since  2021 . He can be seen most  Tuesday mornings in and around the Woodland, 



Chris Harris

Chris Harris

Also one of the original directors, Chris is a long time inhabitant of the Square, Upper Cwmbran so the woodland is on his doorstep. Chris designed the BBCW logo which can be seen on the notice boards as well as designing the ford over the stream. He is obviously multi-talented as, apart from his bespoke fitted kitchen business, he is also landlord of the Bush Inn!!!

David Williams

David Williams

David was until recently a Cwmbran Community Councillor and works in local government. Has lived in the area for the last 20 years, and has six children who have all enjoyed excursions to the wood. Served for many years as our Secretary. David also sits on the Board of Llais y Goedwig, the umbrella body for community woodlands across Wales, formed in November 2009 – of which BBCW is a member.

Relax in Cwmbran

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