Great news.
Work is well under way on our forest school project. Funded by Environment Wales, the project is being undertaken by Blaen Bran Woodland Services, and should be completed soon. An area of our woodland just above the log circle, to the right of the main track will be opened up to create an area within the woodland to allow activities such as Forest school and woodland skills to be undertaken. This would provide opportunities for people and groups of all ages. Encouraging young people to experience and explore their natural environment, developing skills using natural materials, building self-esteem and confidence.
It will entail creating trails through woodland to allow for exploration, and clearings to be established for activities/classes, with woodland furniture to be created from the woodland itself. Raised beds will be created for the planting and propagation of flora.
The hard graft has been carried out by Dave Higginson, our woodland manager, with tremendous support from volunteers, old and new.