For emergencies – WHAT 3 WORDS location is to/be/done. COULD ADD GPS TOO ONCE KNOWN.
This is the events location of BBCW. The forest school area is adjacent which has a sign “Parsons Wood”. If you would like to hold an educational event here, please ask us at
You are at the purple marker “3” shown on the map below. Note once I have GPS location for this signpost location and have added the location markers, the map below could be a direct map to Google that’s scrollable and will be zoomed in on the location marker so user can scroll around more……
Could add info about surrounding area here and can be updated as and when…. This would be a member only link to specific info about trails (don’t want non payers to access these ideally!).
Could add the following trails are on this route….. (the website needs pages adding for trails, then this page could link to them!) This would be a member only link to specific info about trails (don’t want non payers to access them!).
Could add the events calendar (or ‘next events’ can be automated here – if the events calendar is used on the website when adding events)