Following recent updates on the progress of the Larch project, we can confirm that the woodland will be open to public access from Monday 13th March, 2023.

Whilst all felling activities have been completed , work will continue in terms of the hauling and removal of felled material, so there will still be large vehicles on site for the next few weeks.

With this in mind, we would advise all walkers to be aware of the potential hazards at this time and also suggest that dog walkers consider keeping their dogs on leads during the next few weeks.

Where possible, volunteers will be available on site to advise woodland users.

Once this phase of the project has been completed , work will begin on the broadleaf planting scheme . We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have already expressed an interest in helping with the planting.

Again, we apologies for the inconvenience, but feel sure you appreciate the future benefits that will arise from the project.