March Woodland Walk

HI All

We have planned our third Woodland Walk for Saturday 23rd March, meeting at the Car Park at 10.30 am

Sensible clothing and footwear essential

Come and see what we have done and what we plan to do.

Blaen Br

There has been an awful lot going on in the woodland in the last two years – new tracks, ponds, tree felling, tree planting. We thought it would be a good idea if we held a series of walks showing what has been done, why it has been done, what our future plans are and, most important of all, get your views on these matters.

The first of these walks will take place on Saturday December 8th, meeting at the new car park at 10.30 am. It is expected the walk will take approximately one hour. We look forward to seeing you there

Horse loggers in the woodland

Next Monday through to Wednesday – 1st, 2nd and 3rd October – horse loggers will be at work in the woodland once again. As they are only here for those three days, we unfortunately cannot arrange a demonstration but all are welcome to see them at work from 9.00 in the morning to 5.00 in the evening. We strongly advise you to stay on the tracks and keep animals and children under control.

They will also be milling wood. Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the milling will be more than welcome, especially on the Monday and Wednesday. Contact Dave on 07787525875 or call at 2 Mineslope Cottages if you are interested.


We hope to hold a barbecue at the log circle on Thursday 23rd August, just before the Bank holiday. We will provide a barbecue, a fire and seating, you bring the food to cook on it and any drink you require. I believe some people are going to bring musical instruments for some entertainment.

The gate by Ebenezer Chapel will be open from 6.30 so cars can be brought in. If anyone needs transport to the actual site due to a disability please let me know. We do have a marquee but obviously the weather is out of our control. Let’s hope we can finally hold an event this summer!

Midsummer Madness is off

Unfortunately we have had to cancel the Midsummer Madness event for Thursday (tomorrow). The weather forecast is appalling, with a weather warning being issued by the Met Office for heavy rain. According to the Met Office site, the chances of rain Thursday evening vary between 60% and 80%.

Tanc has kindly agreed to reschedule the event for the weekend of the August Bank Holiday which is 25th – 27th August. We will let you know more later. We do apologise for this but there is nothing we can do about the weather and it would be foolhardy indeed to attempt circus acts and amplified music with rain pouring down. Let’s hope we manage to get a summer by then.

Midsummer madness

A reminder about our Midsummer Madness event on Thursday 21st June. The evening will consist of a number of Covent Garden street theatre/ circus style acts, culminating in a performance by local resident Tanc Ingram on his pyrophone. You can watch video of him performing at the Eden Project here and get a good idea of what to expect. It looks really intriguing and personally I can’t wait to see it and hear it in action.

It all takes place by the containers and log circle. Thanks to Gareth Edwards of the Queen Inn, there will be a licensed bar open from 7pm although the evening’s entertainment won’t begin until a little later. There is no charge but there will be a raffle and a bucket passed round for donations so we can cover our costs. There will be some logs to sit on but these will probably soon be taken and you would be well advised to take a folding chair to sit on.

We are negotiating to have burgers and hot dogs on sale but this is by no means certain yet. Cars can be parked in the car park by Ebenezer Chapel in the Square. If people are physically unable to walk to the log circle we may be able to arrange transport from the car park to the log circle. We would need notice of this as there is a lot of preparation necessary for this event.

Let’s hope for good weather and we’ll see you up there

Bird walk

The Gwent Ornithological Trust are leading a walk through the woodland to identify birds on May 26th starting at 8.00 am from the car park. If you don’t mind getting up early, members are welcome to join them

Easter EGG Hunt

This year’s Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Monday April 9th. Bring your children along to the log circle by the containers for a 2.00 pm start. There will be two areas to hunt – a smaller one for the younger children and a larger one for the older children. Refreshments will be on sale so let’s hope it’s a warm sunny afternoon.

Relax in Cwmbran

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